
The LEGOS team at University of Michigan

combines advanced fabrication tools and nano-structured low dimensional materials to build a paradigm of algorithmic materials with embodied intelligence.
Our vision is to embed electrical circuit design in the fabrication and control of hierarchical materials and integrate them into task-oriented systems to address challenges in sustainability, robotics, healthcare, and beyond.

We are an interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers

who design, explore, and construct
the next generation of electronic materials
building on the concepts of
and develop practical solutions
to tackle pressing societal challenges associated with
Links to external research

Design bottom-up and top-down approaches to assemble complex particle systems that realize a wide array of emergent and reconfigurable functions.

Links to nanofluidic research

Uncover alternative energy harvesting methods by engineering the solid-liquid interface at surface of nano-structured electronic materials.

Links to internal research

Enable decentralized (unit-to-unit) communication and computation schemes by incorporating energy-efficient nano-electronic circuit elements.

links to nanobio research

Establish novel modalities of bio-electronic interface through galvanically enhanced chemical (e.g., genetic) information delivery and manipulation.

group photoGroup photogroup photo in the labGroup dinner photo